
Healthcare Data Platform Lemon


Lemon Healthcare provides "automatic claims for loss insurance�…
lemonhealthcare 2023-02-06
[Daily Korea Reporter Park Jae-chan] Another year has been passed amid sluggish passage of the Act on the Simplification of Claims for Insolvency Insurance. The debate on simplifying claims for loss insurance first began in 2009, but has not made progress for 14 years.

In particular, there are six bills related to the simplification of claims for loss insurance proposed by the 21st National Assembly. As part of the policy tasks for the realization of the digital platform government, the government is showing its willingness to push for legislation by including simplifying claims for loss insurance in five key tasks of the Ministry of Science and ICT, but it has not been resolved due to sharp confrontation.

While the Act on the Simplification of Loss Insurance Claims failed to cross the threshold of the National Assembly, a new "automatic loss insurance claim" service led by private companies has been launched, attracting great attention from related organizations, the medical industry, the insurance industry, and insurance subscribers.

Lemon Healthcare, a two-way healthcare data platform company, opened the era of "automatic claims for loss insurance" service for the first time in Korea at 37 high-level and general hospitals nationwide late last year. As a result, 2,000 automatic billing service subscribers and 10,000 automatic billing cases were exceeded within a month of the service's start.

The "automatic claim for loss insurance" service does not require a separate app installation. In the Kakao notification message sent by the hospital, simply click the "Automatic Claim for Loss Insurance" button to apply for registration, and the claim for loss insurance will be automatically made at each outpatient treatment.

There is no fear of forgetting the claim for loss insurance because outpatient treatment accumulated three times a month on the 9th, 19th, and 29th is automatically charged. In addition, the patient can set the minimum amount of the patient's own medical expenses to proceed with automatic billing when signing up for the first time from 1,000 won to 50,000 won, and the automatic billing retroactive period can be selected up to three years before the subscription date.

Discussions on simplifying claims for loss insurance began in 2009, starting with the recommendation of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, but the commercialization of the automatic claim service developed by private companies has taken a new turn while failing to narrow differences between related ministries, medical institutions, the Korea Appraisal Board, and insurance companies.

This allows private digital healthcare companies to build private API-based cloud relay servers and link data in the form of open APIs when connecting them to hospitals and insurance companies, enabling automatic billing services without installing separate apps.

In particular, even those who are unfamiliar with hospital patient apps can benefit from the automatic claim service for real-life insurance just by signing up from the Kakao Notification Talk information message, signaling a major change in relieving public fatigue.

According to a survey conducted by the National Health Insurance Service, as of October last year, the amount of outstanding loss insurance for the past three years totaled 741 billion won. Although the number of subscribers to loss insurance in Korea reached 40 million and the amount of insurance claims exceeded 1 trillion won, there is still a flood of unpaid insurance payments that have not been sought due to the inconvenience of the loss insurance claim process.

As a result, if the private-led digital healthcare company establishes a culture of automatic real-life insurance claims, small claims and complicated claims will disappear and unpaid insurance payments will be reduced, which will increase the convenience of real-life insurance subscribers as well as significantly reduce unnecessary waste of manpower and funds for hospitals and insurance companies.

The "automatic loss insurance claim" service, which started at Lemon Healthcare, will be opened this year for senior and general hospitals nationwide, including Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Incheon, Gyeonggi, Gyeongnam, Jeonnam, Jeonbuk, Jeju, Gyeongbuk, Chungbuk, and Gangwon. After that, it plans to expand to large hospitals, high-level and general hospitals in major regions, and general hospitals.

"This automatic loss insurance claim service is expected to ease public fatigue about the loss insurance claim process by automating the loss insurance claim process like a highway high pass," said Hong Byeong-jin, CEO of Lemon Healthcare. "Although some insurance companies are still reversing digital transformation, such as changing their fax numbers every day, Lemon Healthcare is very meaningful as it introduces a private-led service to simplify claims for loss insurance in line with policy tasks to implement the digital platform government."

"I believe that it will be a new solution to the simplification of claims for loss insurance that have been drifting for 14 years, and Lemon Healthcare will constantly focus on providing convenience from a patient's point of view," he said.

Source: Daily Korea ( )