
Healthcare Data Platform Lemon


Improvement of hospital digital wind,··patient convenience, and improv…
lemonhealthcare 2023-01-26
① Smart hospital, still key is 'people' not 'technology'
② How to improve the quality of health care in the ever-changing future
③ The true innovation of healthcare services that our society expects
④ Is it possible to coexist with the MZ generation as a hospital and workplace
⑤ Hospital system digitalization wind, patient convenience, work efficiency improvement effect

Digital Transformation (DT) changes the traditional structure by applying digital technology to society as a whole, which is different from 'computerization', which is simple information digitalization, and 'digitalization', which automates work. It is to redefine the work itself digitally.

As the COVID-19 epidemic has accelerated the Fourth Industrial Revolution and DT, the DT wind is blowing throughout the industry, medical institutions that are bound to be conservative are also joining this trend.

Although attempts are still being made to focus on large hospitals that dream of taking off as "smart hospitals," front-line medical staff positively predicted DT, a medical institution.

In fact, according to the "Digital Healthcare Demand and Perception Survey" conducted by the Korea Health Industry Promotion Agency last year on 601 doctors and nurses, 71.8% of respondents said, "The introduction of digital healthcare is necessary."

They were expecting to improve ▲ patient convenience (27.5%) ▲ work efficiency (18.5%) ▲ clinical judgment reliability and accuracy (12.8%) through digital healthcare.

Improving patient accessibility, increasing work efficiency, and 'digital' permeating the hospital system

Automation has the effect of reducing the simple and repetitive tasks of employees so that they can focus on their core tasks. When applied in medical institutions, patient accessibility can be improved in addition to this.

Recently, high-level general hospitals and general hospitals aiming for smart hospitals are introducing "high-pass medical expenses" one after another to improve patient accessibility.

Hi-Pass for medical expenses is a so-called storage simplification service that automatically pays for medical expenses when patients and guardians return home after treatment and examination without visiting the hospital window.

Hanyang Daeguri Hospital, Seoul National University Hospital, Haeundae Paik Hospital, Sihwa Hospital, and Central Veterans Hospital introduced it. In particular, it is noteworthy that the Central Veterans Hospital, which is mainly visited by elderly patients such as people of national merit, is also receiving great response.

In January this year, the clinic introduced Hi-Pass for medical expenses, surpassing 5,000 registrations and 12,000 payments in about six months. In addition to receiving medical expenses, it is possible to issue certificates and claim indemnity insurance through the hospital's own mobile app, which significantly improves patient convenience. 

Severance Hospital provided Korea's first loss insurance claim service through the "My Severance" app, and Seoul National University Hospital also started mobile certification issuance service in May last year in cooperation with Lemon Healthcare.

Since July last year, Seoul National University Hospital has also made it possible to claim loss insurance through its own app. 

It is expected that the procedure for transferring all patients will also be simpler. The Seoul National University Hospital Medical Cooperation Center operates a dedicated slot for medical institutions and links in-depth treatment for 15 minutes in the fastest schedule with the cooperation of professors.

Source: Daily Medi (