
Healthcare Data Platform Lemon


Representative Hong Byung-jin of Lemon Healthcare presented the topic …
lemonhealthcare 2023-01-26
- Representative Hong Byung-jin as a presenter on the theme of "User-Centered Medical Life Data Platform to Revitalize the Data Economy."
- Introducing business models based on 'data hyperconnected architecture', 'open API' and 'blockchain technology' in the healthcare sector

Hong Byung-jin, CEO of Lemon Healthcare, a two-way healthcare data platform company, said on the 5th that he attended the "4th Data Technology Economic Forum" held at the Korea Science and Technology Center on the 2nd and presented the theme under the theme of "User-centered Medical Life Data Platform to Revitalize the Data Economy."

Organized by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), the "Data Technology Economic Forum" is a place where domestic "industrial research" data technology and economic and policy experts gather to spread the paradigm of Korea's data technology economy. The theme of the forum was "The Value Creation Strategy of the Data Technology Economy Paradigm: Finding a New Technological Approach and Business Model," followed by presentations and discussions on "technical approaches" to data-based value creation, which is the core of the realization of the data technology economy.

In particular, CEO Hong Byung-jin, who was a presenter, made the presentation with the concept and characteristics of a "user-centered medical data platform," technical requirements, and related cases. In order to revitalize the healthcare data economy, he emphasized the need for a "hyperconnected platform" that can connect both data providers and users to distribute data like highways. It also continued to introduce in detail data hyperconnected architecture, open API (Application Programming Interface), and blockchain technology-based business models. In addition, it received a lot of attention by unveiling a new cloud platform called "Lemon Health Box," which allows access to medical MyData anytime, anywhere, to revitalize the health data economy.

Representative Hong said that in order to provide various people-centered healthcare services, it is necessary to create a platform architecture and environment such as ▲ real-time access and use of medical information ▲ solving problems with personal medical information security ▲ providing transparent medical data usage history ▲ providing personalized medical services.

Currently, Lemon Healthcare is a leading company in the domestic medical mydata market and has introduced "Lemon Care," a paperless digital healthcare platform that implements smart hospitals by linking medical data with patients, hospitals, pharmacies, and financial institutions for the first time in Korea.

Lemon Care works with more than 120 high-level and general hospitals in Korea to increase the efficiency and convenience of medical work, and provides patients with mobile services such as receiving and receiving medical treatment, electronic receipts, electronic prescriptions, and issuing medical certificate documents so that the entire medical process can be conveniently used with smartphones.

It also provides medical services such as non-face-to-face documentless insurance claims and mobile proof issuance by connecting patients-hospitals-insurers through the simple claim app "God of Claiming." Through this, patients are contributing to the expansion of ESG management, such as paperless medical institutions, by relieving "national fatigue" in the process of claiming real-life insurance benefits.

Meanwhile, at the forum, which marks its fourth anniversary, Kim Hwa-jong, a professor at Kangwon National University, presented "How to Safely Utilize Data and Create Value," and about 50 people, including forum members, KISTI and event management officials, participated in a heated discussion.

Source: Local world