
Healthcare Data Platform Lemon


Lemon Healthcare Enters Softwave 2022
lemonhealthcare 2023-01-26
The Korea Data Industry Association (Chairman Lee Hyung-chil) announced that it will introduce cutting-edge technologies and solutions related to data and AI (artificial intelligence) by establishing a joint hall for seven member companies at the Korea Software Exhibition, Soft Wave 2022 to be held at COEX in Gangnam-gu, Seoul from the 7th to the 9th of next month.

Members of the joint hall are △ Lemon Healthcare △ VictoCore △ CSRI △ Openmate △ Wear Valley △ Weeps △ Korea Information Technology Group (all in order).

Lemon Healthcare (CEO Hong Byung-jin) will introduce digital healthcare solutions such as the "Lemon Care" platform service that implements smart hospitals and the "God of Claiming" mobile app that can easily make one-stop claims on mobile without documents. Big2core (CEO Jang Cheol-soo) is a company specializing in research and development of data solutions such as modeling tools, meta, and quality, and will support three months of free use, modeling, and data quality profiling through special promotions during the exhibition.

CSRI (CEO Lee Chun-sik) introduces "No-Code Data Analysis Solution, Big Fun," a data analysis solution for data scientists that helps them process and analyze data easily and quickly by eliminating coding (R, Python, etc.) processes for data analysis. OpenMate (CEO Lee Eun-young) will introduce a "curation solution" that allows non-majors to easily collect/process spatial big data, and the product is a groundbreaking product that can solve the difficulty of over-selecting amid the flood of data and drastically shorten the data preparation time required for spatial analysis/modeling.

Wear Valley (CEO Son Sam-soo) will introduce the DB access control solution Chakra Max and the newly released personal information access history integrated management solution "Log Catch." Together with Chakra Max, which is already recognized in domestic and foreign markets, it plans to expand its supply to the domestic and foreign personal information security markets through LogCatch.

Wips (CEO Lee Hyung-chil) will introduce online services with innovative AI technologies such as Convergence Big Data Service Build, AI automatic patent classification service WIPS PRISM, online patent search and analysis service Wintelips, and WIPSON.

The Korea Information Technology Group (CEO Lee Woo-yong) introduces Korea's first integrated data quality management solution that integrates KS METADQ 'meta management tool' and 'quality diagnosis tool' into one.

Lee Hyung-chil, president of the Korea Data Industry Association, said, "We hope that innovative and diverse technologies and solutions of member companies participating in the association's joint hall will spread widely through this event. We will take the lead in various activities such as policy discovery, regulatory improvement, and expert education so that Korea can grow into a data powerhouse."

Source: Electronic newspaper