
Healthcare Data Platform Lemon


Lemon Healthcare Builds Mobile App System for Patients at Dongguk Univ…
lemonhealthcare 2023-05-16
Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital (Director Kwon Bum-sun) announced on the 12th that it has established and opened a new "patient mobile app" system as a differentiation strategy through the development of patient-centered medical services.

Patients who use Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital will be able to handle various tasks such as medical reservations, test results, and mobile certification through an app on mobile devices without visiting the hospital.
In addition, if patients record personal health data (PHR) such as exercise, eating, and sleeping in their daily lives, they can be used in connection with the Hospital Information System (HIS) for treatment.
Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital signed an MOU on April 7 to develop customized healthcare services based on personal health data (PHR) with Lemon Healthcare and Doctor Diary, which participated in the open laboratory construction project.
The open laboratory is a project to support the Ministry of Health and Welfare that opens the hospital's excellent research capabilities and infrastructure to companies and fosters and supports start-ups in the health care field through joint research.

In addition, in the mobile app for patients at Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, you can conveniently pay medical expenses without a payment queue to provide outpatient convenience.

The issued prescription also introduced an electronic prescription delivery service that allows patients to transmit directly to nearby external pharmacies through an app for patients.
Based on this, it will be possible to provide a one-stop mobile smart hospital service that allows patients to easily claim medical records from a patient's app without issuing paper documents when claiming real loss insurance.
Kwon Beom-sun, head of the hospital, said, "By advancing mobile apps for patients, customized healthcare services centered on patients have become possible. We are now able to provide high-quality medical services, he said.
"We will solidify the cooperation system between hospitals and businesses," he said. Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital is a business-friendly hospital and will strive to support the development of the health and medical sector.

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